Response to COVID-19

Response to COVID-19

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At symb co we look after your safety. For this reason, throughout our premises, we apply the COVID-19 prevention regulations, applicable to all work centers in reference to essential safety measures:


  1. Mandatory mask.
  2. Hand sanitizing gel when entering the center or when changing location. Users have hydroalcoholic Gel dispensers distributed in common areas.
  3. Sensors in toilets.
  4. Access to the center with App code (Contactless)
  5. Interpersonal partitions
  6. Interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters in workplaces.

Following the recommendations, issued by the Ministry of Health on June 30, 2020, regarding the updating of ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and commercial and office premises, we want to inform you of the action plan that was carried out, in the Air Conditioning and Ventilation system of the Charmex Green Building 1, to comply with the recommendations for the prevention of the spread of SARS-VOC-2.

This guide issued by the Government contains recommendations to minimize the spread of the virus, but it is not a mandatory regulation. However, we adapt the installation to comply with the 17 recommendations established by the Ministry of Health, to be able to offer from the property an extra security against COVID to our tenants, although the building has always met the requirements of the Facilities Regulation Thermal in Buildings (RITE).

Some of these recommendations are less demanding than the RITE itself and others increase in rigor to the RITE, so in the attached report we mention the current mandatory regulations and also the modifications that we carry out, point by point. With these changes, we improve the health of our building, in line with the rest of the individual protection, hygienic and disinfection measures against SARS-2 that we carry out throughout the building on a daily basis.